The situation of National Examination in SMPN 1 Kupang Tengah on May 11, 2016. |
Cakrawala NTT
most students who attended junior high school national examination in Kupang
regency was found in SMPN 1 Kupang Tengah. There were 254 junior high school
students who attended national examination in that school, so the students were
divided in 13 learning group. Besides that, there were 4 schools who also
attended national examination through this school, including SMPS Kristen
Elpida, SMPS Katolik Santo Yoseph, SMPN 4 Kupang Tengah dan SMPN 6 Balfai.
Journalist of MPC NTT on May 11, 2016 saw that national examination in this
school was done
to head
master of SMPN 1 Kupang Tengah, Leno Elviani H. Kleing, S.Pd, the examination in her school can be done well because examination script
given to them was complete and also there was no mistake found during the
examination. She also said that Rp. 5.000.000 has been prepared as a prize for
the students who get 10 in that national examination. The school will not only
give the prize for the students, but also for the subject teacher. The prize
prepared to motivate the students, so the students can attend the examination
well. Besides that, the prize also aims to motivate the teachers, so the
teachers can compete positively in guiding the students.
regent of Kupang regency, Ayub Titu Eki directly monitored the first day of
examination in SMPN 1 Kupang Tengah. In that moment, Titu Eki appreciated the
head master and the teachers of SMPN 1 Kupang Tengah, because they have worked
hard in preparing the students to attend the examination. He also appreciated
them in applying 2013 curriculum. He hoped that all components in that school
can maintain all things that have been done, so that school can be an example
for the other schools
in Kupang regency. In addition, Titu Eki said that an advance school is a
school that will open him self to cooperate with all parties. (Yupiter/Jko)
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Ayub Titu Eki, the regent of Kupang Regency posed with the teachers of SMPN 1 Kupang Tengah after monitored the first day of national examination in that school. |
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Ayub Titu Eki, the regent of Kupang regency accompanied by Leno Elviani H. Kleing, head master of SMPN 1 Kupang Tengah monitored national examination in SMPN 1 Kupang Tengah. |