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Oelamasi, Cakrawala NTT

All the students, teachers and also the guest planted the saplings in schoolyard of SMAN 3 Kupang Timur on March 02, 2016
The students and the teachers of SMAN 3 Kupang Timur save their environment by planting 100 mahogany saplings in their schoolyard on March 02, 2016. The program of planting saplings is a school program aims for greening their schoolyard and also to support the program of Kupang Regency Government which is called “Program tanam paksa, paksa tanam
Edy Lamawato, editor in chief of MPC NTT gave the saplings and the books symbolically for SMAN 3 Kupang Timur on March 02, 2016
In realizing this program, SMAN 3 Kupang Timur corporate with Media Pendidikan Cakrawala NTT (MPC NTT) in which mahogany saplings were rendered by MPC NTT. Besides that, MPC NTT also rendered 400 books for SMAN 3 Kupang Timur. The saplings and the books were given symbolically by Edy Lamawato, the editor in chief of MPC NTT. 
In receiving the 400 books and 100 mahogany saplings for their school, the students of SMAN 3 Kupang Timur performed traditional dance, drum band, poem, mini theater, etc 
on March 02, 2016. 
The students and the teachers of SMAN 3 Kupang Timur accepted the saplings with a ceremony. In that moment they performed traditional dance, drum band, poem, oration about green environment, mini theater, etc. After the ceremony, all the students and also the teachers planted the saplings in their schoolyard. In that moment, there were Beadrys R. Kolnel, the head of PPO Department of Kupang Regency; Ferdi Adu and Albert Meo as the representation of DPRD of Kupang Regency; Merdeka Headman; West Kupang Police Chief; and also local community leaders. (*)

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