NTT team discuss with the rector of Muhamadiyah University of Kupang, DR. H.
Sandi Maryanto,M.Pd
on January 11, 2016. |
One of the agenda that offered by Cakrawala NTT is Journalism class for the university students. Rikarno said that the concept of journalism class is Cakrawala NTT will profide lecturer to teach the university students, especially the students of Indonesian Language Study Program about journalism. The aim of this program is to improve university students’ knowledge about journalism. Beside that, the aim of this journalism class is also to improve students’ journalism skill, so they can use this skill after graduate from the university.
In that discussion Prof. DR. H. Sandi
Maryanto,M.Pd promised that he will support Cakrawala NTT. He
said that nowadays students must have the other skill except the skills and
competence improved by the lecture in the campus. He explained that if the
university students have another skill or competence when they graduate from
university, then they will not depend on their diploma but they can use their
competence and also skill in order to get job. In addition he also said that
Muhamadiyah University will support programs prepared by Cakrawala NTT by
giving chance to the students of Muhamadiyah University of Kupang to follow
journalism training.
discuss, Cakrawala NTT team posed with
The Rector of Muhamadiyah University of Kupang, DR. H. Sandi Maryanto,M.Pd on
January 11, 2016.