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The situation of students' colossal festival in Flores Timur regency on May 7, 2016.

Larantuka, Cakrawala NTT

Hundreds of students in Flores Timur regency attended students’ colossal festival on May 07, 2016 in Lebao football field. The theme of that colossal festival was “Bersatu untuk Bangkit” and was participated by 200 schools in Flores Timur regency, including elementary schools, junior high schools and also senior high school. In that moment, there were 3 contests attended by the students, such as yell contest, dance contest and also hiking tournament.

The committee of the colossal festival was Bahtera Berkat Bangsa Fundation who cooperated with Flores Timur local government. Before this festival, Bahtera Berkat Bangsa Fundation had made a seminar. The seminar was conducted for one month in order to gather all the students, so the students can unite and then fight for reaching their dreams. According to Ester, one of the committee members, the aim of that event was to increase students’ spirit in learning and also to increase unity spirit among the students. (Valens/JKo)

All the participants attended the festival on May 7, 2016 enthusiastically. 

The winner of the contests got their present after the event.

One of dance groups who participated in students' colossal festival.

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